An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 3.3 The Brief Explanation of Maslow Theory and Criticism In personal and organizational satisfaction of needs

Thursday, December 3, 2020

3.3 The Brief Explanation of Maslow Theory and Criticism In personal and organizational satisfaction of needs

 Author : Lutfi Mulyadi Surachman

 J. Finkelstein [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The physiological needs

Behavior of an organism behaves and is dominated by unsatisfied needs. The most basic or first level need is physiological. Two important concepts in the physiological needs are appetite and homeostasis – automatic effort of the body to conserve the normal condition of the blood flow (Maslow, 1958). Other points are breathing, sex, excretion, water and food (Finkelstein, 2006). For a dangerously and extremely hungry person, existing interest is only about food. For The person, food is hallucination, remembrance, imagination, the only emotion, perception and the only thing he wants (Maslow, 1958). A team/organization may not work on a project properly if there is lack of daily consumption.

Safety needs

In personal point of view, Infants, teenagers and adults really need safety. This is the second level need activated if the first level needs are satisfied. A person in daily life and as an employee in all organizations absolutely need safe working environment without fear of any kinds of harm (Kaur, 2013).   

Social needs

Social needs are the third level ones activated if the safety needs are satisfied. These are need of friendship, sexual intimacy, family (Finkelstein, 2006), affiliation, giving and getting love, people acceptance, etc. To satisfy this social needs, a person with all organization member should be involved in any kinds of hosted gathering and brotherhood events. (Kaur, 2013)

Esteem needs

The fourth level after social one is the esteem needs including self-esteem, achievement and confidence, respecting others, respected and approved by others (Finkelstein, 2006). Distinguished organizational members needs recognition for their achievements. A prestigious award will make them satisfy (Kaur, 2013).

The needs for self-actualization

Self-actualization need is the ultimate level of need in the Maslow hierarchy. This can only be active after all needs are satisfied. The needs include creativity, morality, problem solving, spontaneity, Acceptance of facts and lack of prejudice (Finkelstein, 2006). This need can also be expressed by the need to get ability to develop the fullest human potential. In an organization, human resources having self-actualization potentials are the best asset (Kaur, 2013) of an organization and really needs to get full satisfaction by giving them a special room and chance to be creative, and positive employees.


The Maslow’s theory criticisms  

Maslow's theory has not received much support regarding the specific ideas it proposes (Greenberg & Baron 2003, p195).  In general, Graham & Messner mentioned three significant criticisms to the theory of needs and other motivational content theory. (A). There are little empirical data supporting the conclusion, (B). Consideration that employees or people are basically the same, (C) They are more said to be job satisfaction theory than motivational theory. In Graham & Messner (2000, p 188), this view was supported by Nadler & Lawler (1979). Additionally, The criticism of Nadler & Lawler (1979) cited in Graham & Messner (2000,p.198) mentioned that in general, the built argumentations holds unrealistic assumptions concerning the employees that (a). All of them are identical, (b). All conditions are also similar and to meet the needs, there is only one best way. Basset-Jones & Lloyd (2004, p 961) was another criticism to the view. (Kaur, 2013)

Pyramidal examination on reflection of my current situation whether my current needs really motivate me or not    

In view of my current situation, the satisfied basic needs are appetite, homeostasis, breathing, excretion, water and food. Currently, I don’t have problems with hunger and thirsty. The only unsatisfied basic/physiological need for me is to have a sexual contact with a wife.  Theoretically, I should try finding easy ways to get married either with loving and rich girl or the others.  In addition to my already satisfied safety need, my unsatisfied need is that I am in process to find my true love with whom I can love each other unconditionally. This third level social need to have unconditional love is higher than the need to have a sexual activity in my situation. Of course, sexual intimacy with legitimate marriage partner will make us truly happy and psychologically healthy. My self-esteem comes up in the process of finding my true love which needs confidence and respecting each other, and helping each other. Finally, to overcome my unsatisfied social need, I have tried to keep in mind on my passion to always become a problem solver – one character of self-actualization which really motivates me on doing assignments in the University Of People Course of organizational behavior            



Kaur, A. (2013). Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, Volume 3(Number 10 ,), issn 2248-9878, Pp. 1061-1064.

Maslow, A. H. (1958). A Dynamic Theory of Human Motivation. In C. L. Stacey & M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding Human Motivation (p. 26–47), 26-47. doi:10.1037/11305-004

Finkelstein, J. (2006). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from's_hierarchy_of_needs.svg


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