An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 4.3 Perceptional and Behavioral Communication in a village head election

Thursday, December 10, 2020

4.3 Perceptional and Behavioral Communication in a village head election

Author : Lutfi Mulyadi

I am currently becoming a sub-village manager of voting organizers in my village head election. My superior who is the event chairman is my sport teacher and student council advisor when I was a leader of the council in the junior high school. As my superior, I know him as a very good teacher, motivator, mentor, advisor, and role model. So far, I have seen him diligently praying, working and never seen him lie. Of course, no body is perfect, but his behavior build my perception to him as a trusted superior. Moreover, his experiences on becoming a voting organizer almost always convince me to follow his guidance throughout the journey of the election. As a matter of fact, this event has general procedures made by higher authority which is the district governments. They made the election rules in detail. Consequently, all team member must hold this general election rules/laws with the result that I shouldn’t fully believe and trust all directions of my superior without understanding and verifying the legal documents (Ciamis, 2020).    

Doing the cross-check between the legal documentation of the election rules and my superior directions always requires good communication without noises and barriers (Young, 2016). The benefit of having no emotional distance each other is that all superior directions can be easily filtered and processed in agreement with the documents. Of course my superior always holds this written rules. In the journey, what really happens is keeping the tight rules on the track and making the flexible rules very well communicated, brain stormed and agreed together.         

In this event, we are a big community having seven sub - village organizers or middle to lower managements. My perception to my colleagues under my leadership is that they are really enthusiastic and always want to be involved in the work. Every time my superior send any information and direction via whatsap group, I always forward and discuss the new direction in my own group and my colleagues always put shares on the issues.

Trust is the most valuable asset of interpersonal and organizational life. Without trust, we can’t work as a team, we can’t give a person a duty on certain jobs or we can’t make a good profitable or developmental investments to improve capabilities of all members. To build or maintain the trust, honest and open minded communication are always strongly encouraged. From the starting point of jobs once we share the letter of invitation to all voters until the election time my perception to my team is that they are really cooperative. I don’t need to do micromanaging style in the process of sending invitation. However, the detail evaluation of the achieved target strongly needs my attention and I really want to evaluate it.    

In every election of my village head, there is a grapevine that possible conflicts especially in my sub-village always happen because this year we have three of five candidates who stays in our place. There also exist a stereotype (Lynn, 2020) that village people can be easily heated by any kinds of mistaken procedures of election or heated by winning or losing in the election. So far, the above grapevine (Diff, 2020) in the last campaign was always successfully controlled and managed by cooperative and collaborative works of organizers, the local government stack holder, police and security. In the election time which is after about a week from now, the grapevine may possibly show up and good team works of all responsible people hopefully can always overcome or reduce it.      


Lynn et all. (2020, September 10). Understanding stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Diff, W. (2020, October 22). Rumor vs Grapevine - What's the difference? Retrieved December 11, 2020, from

Ciamis, P. (2020). Lanjutan Tahapan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Serentak Tahun 2020 ... Retrieved December 11, 2020, from

Young Entrepreneurs Forum. (2106, November 27). 10 barriers to effective communication [Video].


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