An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 5.2 Conflict resolution and outcomes

Thursday, December 17, 2020

5.2 Conflict resolution and outcomes

 Author : Lutfi Mulyadi

In the case of a very high work demand in taking a day off that week, rescheduling the Laura’s day off in other weeks is better to accommodate supervisor Tara and clients’ work demands interest (Robbins and Judge, n.d) to keep the their trust. This high work demands actually prove that Laura is a very skillfully trusted and professional member of the company. If she refuse or avoid the request, she will lose the trust and even lost the future assigned tasks or projects. Moreover, Tara as her supervisor accommodate Laura by promising her to get a flex time, leave and of course rewards from her and the clients after successfully handing the demands. This conflict is functional since Laura and Tara are accommodating each other and the company’s performance improve as the high work demands are satisfied.

In their recorded profiles and presentation, one expert has very intensive work experiences on the concerned project. The other one has a very brilliant, innovative, and advance ideas on how to execute the project successfully. Therefore, in the case of a company having two strongly aggressive and very talented teammates who wants to show their competencies in a project presentation, collaborating (Robbins and Judge, n.d) their skills are the best ways to work and improve the project execution which means that the conflict is actually functional.          

Two groups of different fun and enjoyable concepts in a company picnic involving employees and all of their families can be a very interesting ways of relaxing to reduce tiring day by day jobs in the office. In this case, one group focusing on the concept of group activities can collaborate (Robbins and Judge, n.d) with the other one focusing on the personal participation within all people joining the picnic. One group can improve the programs of enjoyable competitions between the two groups and the other one can analyze and become evaluator or grader on the best performing individuals in all categories such as the most favorite participant, the most active one, the funniest one, the most diligent one, etc. this way of collaboration can improve the cooperativeness of the people in the picnic which means the conflict is really functional.          

In a case of two conflicting girls due to their disagreement on a wrong issue of love with a boy shared by one of them to the people and a mediator witnesses their conflicting talks. The best way of conflict resolution is doing a good communication with compromising. The mediator should try to find what really happens between them. She should find the facts between the spreading issues. After the mediator gets the clear facts, she should make the conflicting girls give up on their interests (Robbins and Judge, n.d). The sinful girl should ask forgiveness the slandered one in such a way that both of them can resolve their conflicts. If this can really happens, their conflicts will become functional relationships afterwards.

In the case of a married and working couple having two sons and the sick baby sitter. The mother should avoid (Robbins and Judge, n.d) this conflict. She should be a good mother by keeping the sons in home since mother’s love is the most needed one in the house. She should not let the mother’s position is taken over by the baby sitter. Moreover, in a healthy family life, the only one worker in the family should be the father. Otherwise, many kinds of family conflicts may be a reason for divorce. If the conflict is avoided, they can get functional family relationships. Otherwise, the conflict will endanger their relation and really dysfunctional.        


Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (n.d.). Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 14/e. Retrieved December 11, 2020, from organizational/9780134523859/xhtml/fileP70010122300000000000000000023EB.xhtml


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