An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 4.1 Communication channels

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

4.1 Communication channels

 UNIT 4: Organizational Communication

In general, there are three categories of communication channel in business: Oral, written and electronic or multimedia communication. Oral communication channels are based on regularly spoken words including one to one, personal and group presentation, lectures, speeches, conferences, video meetings, telephone, cell phone conferences. Some of the written communication channels are texts, letters, reports, spreadsheets, newsletter, documents, memos, e-mails, etc. Some of the electronic or multimedia communication channels are television channels, public and intranet webpages of some companies, interactive blogs, web-based communication media such as social medias (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc) (Learning, n.d).

In terms of FMCG business (Fast moving consumer goods), there are traditional and modern communication channels. Traditional methods use door to door selling, television, radio, postal mail, and newspaper while modern methods of communication are social networks, blogs, banner, game advertising, search engine marketing, SMS and marketing, digital radio, ITV advertisement, viral, and e-mail. (Dad, 2012).


        In term of FMCG business, disadvantages of traditional channels of communication are not able to carry out all the requirements and needs of the marketers and customers (Menkeu, 2007). It’s also mentioned in a research by (Speck and alliot, 1997) that watching advertisements in a very interesting television program proves to be disliked. Another argumentation stated that getting information on the people just switching the channel and watching the advertisement in specific FMCG business is difficult (Menkeu, 2007). Advantages come in the modern communication such as in the e-mail whose characteristics are receiving, creating and sending messages in a very short time period, low cost of every message which is up to 0.01 $, quick response, high rate of response, and customizable due to the want and need of users (Davis, 2002). In general, the advantage of modern communication channels are more effective than the traditional ones. (Chaffey at all, 2019) mentioned that the highlighted benefits of the new method are (1) direct response and interaction of consumers and marketers are generated by online advertisements. (2) To increase the awareness of brand, online advertising is much more effective, (3) Effective in cost and saved time. (4) Based on the number of people liking, disliking or seeing that ad, the new method is possibly accountable. The worst disadvantage of the new communication channel is influencing power of consumers who can destroys brand images through the hate speech, bullying and other negative speeches in the blogs or their social networks (Menkeu, 2007).

        Technology really influences the way we communicate. We can meet and greet each other without meeting directly. Sometimes,  the communicators are in relax sitting in a chair or sleeping in a bed or watching movies while chatting with the other one sitting in an office, library, laboratory, or vice versa.  With technology, distance has no effect at all. Even if we are in different country, we can still communicate and even do online studies such as in this university of People. The only thing that matters is that the time of doing online classes can be difficult due to the time difference between all countries in the world.      

In my educational organization, the use of multimedia is very helpful. Online class using zoom or other platforms are very helpful in this pandemic situation. With the aid of indihome internet, laptop of the teachers, student’s Iphone, or personal computer, and the zoom application, all people in the educational process from governmental, private and educational facilitators and motivators can overcome daily jobs without fear of the covid19 attack.  


Learning, L. (n.d). Principles of Management. Retrieved from

Dad, A. M. (2012). Interactive Communication Channels and Their Appropriateness for the FMCG Business. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, 242-257.

Menkeu, J. (2007). The UK Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) Business J. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller E.K, Lightning Source Inc.

Speck, P. S., & Elliott, M. T. (1997). Predictors of Advertising Avoidance in Print and Broadcast Media. Journal of Advertising, 26(3), 61-76. doi:10.1080/00913367.1997.10673529

Davis, M. (2002). Introduction to E-mail Marketing. American marketing association.

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Mayer, R., and Johnson, K. (2009), ‘Internet marketing: strategy, Implementation and Practice’, 4th edition. Pearson Education Ltd.


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