An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 3.2 Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland Theories of Motivation

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

3.2 Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland Theories of Motivation

Author: Lutfi Mulyadi Surachman 

Maslow hierarchy of needs follows the following order: Physiological, Safety, Social, Ego, and Self-actualization needs (Hamner and Organ, 1978). From these hierarchical needs, two major postulates which increase our understanding of motivation are as follows:

1.     Behavioral motivator is not a satisfied need

2.     In extent, the next higher level of necessity becomes the most influencing factor of action once the lower level of needs is satisfied (Hamner and Organ, 1978, 139)

Self-actualization was the ultimate category of need in the Maslow framework. This faith played a role as the fundamental aspect for the assumptions of Y viewpoint of the McGregor’s motivational theory based on self-control, self-direction, maturity and motivation (Mc Gregor 1960, 47-48).   

Hygiene Motivation Theory Of Herzberg is frequently named as the theory of two factor. The focus of this theory is on the motivational sources relevant to the work accomplishments (Hall and Williams 1986, 6), (Pardee, 1990). Herzberg’s conclusion which increase our understanding of motivation stated that dissatisfaction and satisfaction of jobs are products of two different factors: hygiene factors (dissatisfiers and satisfiers). Satisfiers are Acknowledgement, accomplishment, Responsibility, Work itself, Growth and Development while Dissatisfiers are Supervision, interpersonal relations, Status, Salary, Personal life, and Job Security (Mousner, Snyderman, and Herzberg, 1959, 59-83). The use of hygiene by means of medicine removing environmental social toxins (Duttweiler 1986, 371).

Need for achievement theory of McClelland

The need to achieve something necessitates to master ideas, objects and other people independently, and to improve self-esteem of someone by deliberate exercise of his/her talents (Walace, Goldstein and Nathan 1987,289), (Pardee, 1990). To increase our understanding of motivation, a set of factors reflecting a high need of achievement was developed by McClelland:

1.     Achievers love all situations which require their responsibility to solve problems.

2.     They tend achieve moderate target with calculated risks.

3.     They require real feedback their performance quality (McClelland and Johnson, 1984, 3)      

Comparison and contrasting influence on motivation of human in contemporary setting of work

Hersey showed existing relationship between the frameworks of Herzberg and Maslow

Figure 1: Hygiene theory of Herzberg and Maslow hierarchy relationship (Blanchard and Hersey 1982, 60)

The figure of Herzberg and Maslow relationship shows that part of self- esteem and total self-actualization are people motivators while total physiological, safety, social affiliation and part of self-esteem are the so called hygiene factors. In contemporary work setting, people movement and behavior in an organization always tends to get higher position or growth to improve ability to get the part of self-esteem and total self-actualization – the ultimate need. As a reaction to this action, social toxins may prohibit someone who wants to get this ultimate need. Then to balance his life, he / she needs hygiene factors which can neutralize the social toxins such as stressful and cruel works by having basic needs of physiological, safety and friendly affiliation.

McClelland and Herzberg relation can be analyzed based on the fact that strong achievers have tendency to achieve the self-esteem and self-actualization as motivators, and low achievers tend to be environmental oriented. (Hersey and Blanchard, 1982, 61).      

The theory having best application in my personal and developmental journey

In my personal experience, the Maslow hierarchy of needs strongly motivates me to behave. For instance, I have tendency to teach people with low income and high academic potentials to improve their ability to success in their exams for their dreamed university. Moreover, as a single teacher my heart evolve and tend to love a smart interesting beautiful student having the low income, and even want to marry her in the future to overcome his funding of study. This means that I really want to have a strong self-esteem.

In developmental journey, the need for achievement theory of McClelland strongly influence my characters especially my tendency on achieving graduate school degrees. As a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) lover, I always try to achieve everything by ways of scientists and engineers who always try to see everything by questioning what the problem is, how to solve it, and what the simple and smart solution are to be applied. Starting from my undergraduate degree to my master degree in Physics, I still want to achieve the next target of geophysical exploration studies in the PhD program for the benefit of myself, my family, and international humanity. I really hope to always keep in mind that I am a really strong achievers.    


Hamner, W. Clay, and D Morgan. (1978). Organizational Behavior An Applied Psychological Approach. Dallas: Business Publications.

McGregor, D., & Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. E. (2008). The human side of enterprise. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Pardee, R. L. (1990). Motivation Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor & McClelland.

Duttweiler, P. (1986). Educational excellence and motivating teachers. Eric Journal the Clearinghouse.

McClelland, D., & W Jhonson, E. (1984). Learning to achieve. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Co.

Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. (1982). Management Of Organizational Behavior Utilizing Human Resources. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice - Hall.

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