An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 4.2 Improvement plan of a mailing company

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

4.2 Improvement plan of a mailing company

Author : Lutfi Mulyadi 

The problem in the company is un-properly sorted and sequenced, delayed or wrongly delivered mail in consequence of the lack of communication between the upper and middle level stack holders and the floor managers. The related communication issue is that the staff of the floor management did not come to the meeting for planning. Therefore, details of the program were not clear for the employees. Information did not come to the maintenance workers resulted in the low quality of 93 % performance in the first quarter, declining in some weeks, complaining customers and lacking employee motivation.            

In this case, the bypassed communication channel is the chance of doing face to face talks between upper and floor managers in the process of developing the improvement plan, persistent negative ways of thinking the procedures for employee use, and a missed chance to share the problem and how to solve it together with the employee. (Engelstad, 2017)    

To implement the improvement plan, we need to make non-formal and brotherhood gathering within the organization to resolve and recommunicate the details of the program to make them clear about the job description for every worker. (Duval, 2020) made Further suggestion in the field for the working evaluation which can be listed as making identification on the behavior or performance of the employees who still need to be improved, evaluating the low performance employees and try to approach them in friendly manner and try to solve the mail problem together, discussing what should be done to improve the team motivation, determining the time to make evaluation together, and discussing the rewards and consequences for all members if the sorting, sequencing, delaying and delivering problems occur for a second time.

For effective implementation of the programs, we need to resolve or break the communication barriers (Young, 2016) especially attitudes of reducing emotional noises, design of structure having bad system of information, lack of supervision, and training for the employees within the mailing organization team members in such a way that the plans and procedure of the mailing processes are well discussed and brain stormed by all organization members. Well discussed programs involving everyone in the mailing company can make the programs clear for them and they will feel as if they are part of the corporate family. Maintenance worker joining the scheduled meeting will also feel reminded to run his duties together with all workers on improving the performance percentage by collecting performance-related data and calculating the percentage periodically in such a way that periodically improved percentage report on the company performance given to all customers and all company members can keep them satisfied and motivated.           


Engelstad, F. (2017). 7 Strategic Communication and Institutional Change. Institutional Change in the Public Sphere, 139-159. doi:10.1515/9783110546330-008

Duval, J. (2020). How to Develop a Performance Improvement Plan to Fuel Growth. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from

Young Entrepreneurs Forum. (2106, November 27). 10 barriers to effective communication [Video]. Retrieved from


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