An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting

Monday, November 30, 2020

3.1 Motivation

UNIT 3: Employee Motivation

Author : Lutfi Mulyadi

Explain the process of motivation

There exist a series of motivation process: Unachieved motives and Needs, Stress, Effort or Behavior, desired results, and responses. Someone will get stimulated driving force searching for selected behavior realizing certain objectives to reduce the stress of unachieved needs. Internal stimuli as a result of lacked food and dehydration can activate unachieved needs. External stimuli based on the outside scene and commercial promotion can also activate them. There exist some kinds of stress in the process of motivation. The stress can be sociological, physical, and psychological. The stresses must be converted to behaviors by certain strong stimuli. Some behaviors to realize the objectives can be difficult to get more income. The effort to achieve the motives and needs can be performed by giving punishment and reward to accomplish the desired results. The responses are to improve, modify, or revise the necessary needs. Modification of money or other motivating factor and needs depends on how effectively the desired result is accomplished (Motivation, 2019).

      Does money motivate you? Why or why not?

Current research shows that prioritization of money as a factor of motivation differently depends on the category of the jobs, namely Truck Drivers, Nurses, Plant managers, doctors, social and healthcare assistants. The most important factor of motivation for nurses and the drivers is money, those for medical doctors, healthcare and social assistance is independent work, and those for the plant managers is the philosophy of the corporate (Laegaard, 2006). Concerning the above research and my own experience in social assistance for educational movement, money is not the most important factor of motivation. Because the needs to be a person whose existence is influential for the community as well as the independent work is the most important one. Money is always needed in all activities. We got money from the state-owned enterprises as a sponsor for our social work. But working as a social educational activist makes me happy to share the money with all people in the community even only a small amount of money for everyone. At least, this way can reduce everyone’s stress as an independent worker who wants to fulfill a small daily need.    

  How can today’s managers help employees who suffer from work stress?

Helping employees who suffer from stress during work is the responsibility of a manager. A situational leader is the most effective role model in my point of view. In a situation that needs to work hard, a manager should be able to motivate the employees by becoming a role model by showing how hard the work of a manager during the project. Not only does a manager give a direction but he also should give his own hands to help detail works of some employees which the manager can do. Of course, this can only be done after he makes sure all other employees not given assistance can do their works independently. Sometimes, employees suffer from stress because they can’t make good planning to finish the jobs, a manager should assist them in setting daily targets (Clarke, 2019) in such a way that every day the employees will have work-life balance.

4.    Offer suggestions on how you can maintain a good work-life balance. 

       To maintain work and life balance, we should give a balanced time slot for working and for doing spiritual and physical recreation together with family, neighbors, or even the public in the congregation. Thus in 24 hours, we should try to finish the daily work target in 8 hours. For the rest, we should optimize the time for our family and for praying as well. This is in a very ideal situation. In another situation which requires working hard and time-consuming, we should try doing activities in parallel. We can bring our family to the working area while we are still busy doing the projects. In the same situation, praying or spiritual and physical recreation can also be done everywhere in the working area as long as our hearts feel comfortable. We are the only ones who make ourselves happy.     


Motivation Process in Management and Organisational Behaviour. (2019, September 30). Retrieved from

Laegaard, J., & Bendslev, M. (2006). Organizational Theory . Retrieved from Wright, D. (2013). The Myths and Realities of Teamwork.

Lauren, C. (2019, September 06). How Great Managers Can Help Reduce Stress in the Workplace. Retrieved from





Thursday, November 26, 2020

2.3 The advantages of Pertinent Negative


Pertinent negative is the ability to pay strong attention to what we don’t see (Burkus, 2016). It has many important advantages in human relationships. By having strong ability to see what we don’t see, interacting people can have better communication, have a better understanding of everyone’s character, have strong skills of reaching agreement, and so on. This ability can be applied (Madrid, 2020)  in daily personal, family, public, regional, national, international and religion relationship in all kinds of aspects such as ideology, politics, economy and business, social and culture, defense and security.             

To improve human relations, using a broader view of things by practicing the ability to explore all that is missing can stimulate more intense communication by questioning and answering everything in private, community or even research group discussions. Frequent asking questions and answering also influences the understanding the character of communicating people. Some people are aggressive in a discussion, some are down or the other might be progressive. While together doing such a big effort to complete the integrated view of the researched problems, people like to reach goal of total and definite agreement between each other. These things are really good at daily professional team works.       

If I were a manager of a team doing a really important project, I would use the concept of pertinent negative concept to understand the employee behaviors.  I would like to place my position as if I am in their position. As an employee, I will be more than happy if my manager accommodates, listens, values and honors, loves and gives copy rights to my ideas and innovation. Then, every working day, I always ask what ideas/innovation showing up that day. Daily rewards from me as a manager also improve the ability of people in the team to find something missing to solve the researched problems with very high integrity. If the discussion goes wild and uncontrolled, I should clear and warm the situation by finding appropriate ice breakings.    

My current situation with respect to improve my attitude, perception and behaviors using the established concept is how I see which goals, dreams or plans I still don’t reach, everything I don’t have at the moment, starting from the smallest to the biggest thing in my life, The smallest thing I don’t see is that I still don’t start sustainable businesses so that I have less resources to pay for health insurance, educational payment in the MBA degree, and to have a wife and happy family. The middle thing I still don’t see is my PhD visa in the geophysics program of CPG – KFUPM.  The big things I want to achieve in the future is that I want to bring my mother to perform hajj in mecca, rebuild the broken store of my mother to be my future business pursuing my father’s passion and business in online and offline media, infrastructure, and my own passion on education and sustainable energy business and consulting. My attitude and perception toward the small unseen thing should be prioritizing so that I should behave entrepreneurially productive no matter how big the resulted income is. Furthermore, doing a big business with already and being built networks can be tried to achieve all bigger missing things.         


Burkus, D. (2016, September 14). How To Notice What You Can't See. Retrieved from

Madrid, A. (2020). The benefits of Pertinent Negative. Retrieved from


2.2 Some factors affecting attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors (Stereotype , Prejudice and Discrimination)


Some of the several factors that negatively or positively influence our attitudes, perceptions and behaviors are the concepts of Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination which gradually develop. Stereotype is an assumption (a thing accepted as true or certain to happen without proof), prejudice is a belief (an acceptance that a statement is true or something exists), while discrimination is an action based on the Stereotype and Prejudice (Lynn, 2020). There exist many examples of the relation of topics related to the three concepts such as the character of Indonesian tribes.

Stereotype of different cultures of Indonesian tribes (Satria, 2019) can be seen as positive or negative perception. Negative one tells “Padang tribe is stingy“. This perception of the stereotype is due to the trade culture of the Padang tribe who always charges expensive cost for a selling something. Then, a Prejudice (belief) that all people in the tribe is stingy becomes strongly related to the public‘s negative attitude and mindset with the result that the action of discrimination and negative behavior of Non Padang to Padang people can happen in many ways related to economic aspects. In reality, people outside the tribe does not want to marry someone in this tribe because they worry if the cost for getting married will be very expensive. In fact, a man who will marry a woman in this tribe will not pay anything. The woman’s family will pay for everything in the wedding and all needs because of the fact that after getting married, the man will be fully responsible for new couple’s life needs.           

            Positive one tells “Sundanese woman is too kind”. This perception of the stereotype came from a painful love story of Bubat battle. Hayam wuruk was a charismatic Javanese king at his time. He was in love with a beautiful Sundanese princess, Diah Pitaloka. Diah pitaloka with his father came to the javanese kingdom (Majapahit) for hoping good relationship to be the queen of the future kingdom belong to them. This is a kindness of Sundanese woman who came to the man’s palace. Unfortunately, Gajah Mada governor does not want this moment happen for a reason that he does not want to make equivalent kingdom between Majapahit and Sunda. He wants to unite all kingdoms to be Nusantara (the first Indonesia) under Majapahit leadership. At the field of Bubat, The most painful story of massacre occurred and the Sundanese princess committed suicide to struggle for the dignity of the Sundanese kingdom. As time goes on, this positive perception of the stereotype telling the kind Sundanese princess becomes strongly related to the belief (Prejudice) that this truth of positive attitude really belongs to all Sundanese women. Consequently, the behavioral action of Sundanese family is negative and discriminative to Javanese one. The Sundanese family strongly prohibit all Sundanese daughter to marry a man from Javanese tribe.


Lynn et all. (2020, September 10). Understanding stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Satria, H. (2019). Perbedaan Stereotype, Prasangka dan Diskriminasi. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Retno, D. (2020, January 18). Sejarah Perang Bubat Antara Majapahit dan Pajajaran. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from



2.1 The concepts of values, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of people

UNIT 2: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors

Values are behavioral standards or principles. It can also be formed as representative of belief that "certain modes of behavior are socially or privately preferred" based on intensity and content (Rokeach, 1973, p. 5, as cited in Robbins, 2001). Stated belief of an organization and business core values are needed to be a successful organization. Some Business core values are professional, client focused, integrity, result oriented etc, and related leader and subordinate attitudes important for settling the way they are feeling or thinking about how to hold the above company values during work are respecting each other, commitment to the job, enthusiasm, helpfulness, and innovative. 

In reality, employees' perspective on the perception of their job performance in the company is subjective to the good communication with the company leader and the clients. Perfectionism is sometimes based on the client happiness, which can be stimulated by good attitudes during the work presentation. In other cases of an educational organization or community, Objectivity is the key factor. For instance, Facilitator perception to a long successful study of a student who wants to compete in a national university entrance examination are their high tryout scores.

In these above cases, negative behavior of the leaders or facilitator and employees or students can resist the organizational purposes. Negative behavior of a worker giving his work presentation without a strong confidence will induce suspicioucity of the clients. Negative behavior of a client who never feels satisfied with the work and does not want to honor any hours the worker spent will decrease the productivity of the undergone projects. In the case of educational organization, negative behavior of a facilitator who always pushes the student to their limit without giving them time for rest and "me time" of them will decrease their performance in the exam, and negativity of the students who are always lazy in the study also decrease their chance to get admission in their dreamed universities.   

To promote positive work environment, leaders should be more empathy with the employees. Leader should interact as much as possible with them, find such activities which can induce hearth resonance. If they like soccer, leader should play with them without any status restrictions. Encouraging any kinds of good communal activities throughout the long journey of projects and studies will also improve everyone's moods. For instance, creativity of a leader who provides special food of the worker's country will make them really feel honored for their jobs. Creativity of a facilitator who gives a special book as a gift for a student whose tryout score is the highest of all other students improve productivity of the student to solve as many problems as possible.     



Soni, K. (2018, February 8). Values and attitudes in OB [Video]. Youtube.

McLeod, S. (2018). Attitudes and behaviors. Simply Psychology.

Robbins, S. P. (2001). Organizational behavior, 9th ed. Prentice-Hall.

1.1 The Hawthorne effect

UNIT 1 : Introduction 

The Hawthorne effect is tendency of people who love to be heard and valued more than just gifted salaries. They also like to do everything based on existing social jargon that they want to promote or people like to work because of gained satisfaction during the teamwork. This effect is really relevance and useful to improve productivity of today’s organization. One of the social jargons I have ever wanted to promote is that education is open source for all economic and social status. Proletarian scholars who can achieve higher academic degrees becoming the ones having higher income and social status are the ones who can really feel this beautiful Hawthorne effect. In my Country, Indonesia, this social educational movement was performed under collaboration of governmental social institution and NGO’s such as LC (Learning Consultants) and PIKMA (The Knowledge Houses).

Compared to millennial micromanagement which coordinates every single thing in more detail, the Hawthorne effect should value subordinates by delegating and giving them an autonomy to lead everything in their hands. One of the benefits of this Hawthorne effect is the strong ability of the organization to achieve the goal because of resonance feeling of all people in it. One of the critics is that sometime they can get lack of resources for them and for people around them who need daily life needs. Managers can apply this concepts by combining the needs to be heard and valued with good salaries and incentives for all employees in order that they feel lovely in the group and their family needs are also fulfilled. 



1.2 The four theories, contributed to the main point of mastering the concept of current structure of organization

In 2006, Bindslev and Laegard concisely and critically revised the four theories, contributed to the main point of mastering the concept of current structure of organization and the organization itself.

       Administrative theory

The concept of administrative theory of Henry Fayol points out a rather more rational perspective; Instead of setting up scientific processes for the common worker, administration processes were now the key focus with the result that a series of actions could be standardized from the management to the level of operation where every single employee takes the information and implements it in their daily jobs. Therefore, the approach of this theory is more top-down. In 2017, Krenn also found that the theory of Henry Fayol spans management with 14 principles. Based on the principles, admin associates with people in five different ways. Those are to plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control.

Administrative behavior

One of the main administrative theory critics was given by Herbert Simon. Simon said the rational model does not really exist. In contrast, it must be considered as a changing term because of the fact that no organization or individual can rationally decide since everyone has no same point of view of interests, goals, ideals, and border between rational and irrational behavior side of mankind as creatures who need companionship (Simonsen, 1994). As an alternative, He classified his research into two categories - Administrative and Economic person. The economic person distinguishes how every single thing works on the path and holds the principle of values and facts, but the other one looks for another available possibility of an acceptable standard or extended satisfactory. In addition, the economic one looks at the complexity of world while the administrative one looks at simplified model of everything and to finally decide, the person only considers the critical aspects. Bindslev and Laegaard (2006) noted the statement that different things made decisions. Those things are factual and value premises. The factual ones stay at the down level of management which is based on how every single thing in the environment actually works, while the value ones are considered in the top level of management which is mostly based on the best solution. This creates a top-down design allowing to make decision at each sublevel where each in the hierarchy is a final to those below it, and an understanding to those above.

      Structure Of  Organization and Bureaucracy    

   Max Weber developed a theory of organizational structure and bureaucracy. It establishes clear regulations regarding authority, regulatory systems, and hierarchical structures. In its easy-to-understand form, there is a command chain in which the leader or the authority is legally employed to its limits and accepted by subordinates. The leader also has rational-legal aspects, tradition, or charisma, it builds a rule-bound, sustainable corporation with strong objectives and targets. It formalizes individual functioning and job specialization, allows appointments to be made on the basis of competency, separates the assets of organization from those of the owners, and regulates decisions ultimately. Laegaard and Bindslev (2006) argued the structures of hierarchy are methodically created due to separate factors, including: complexity, size, external and internal frictions, the need for management, and the struggle of class each of which is essential in building a distinct structure of hierarchy where a strategy plan and its implementation should be considered.  

         Management as a scientific theory

      In the beginning of the 20th century, the theory of scientific management, one of the first theories, was founded by Frederick Taylor. This theory is the first one that scientifically studies the processes work (Mind Tools, n.d). Basically, it stipulates that managers or management at the top level can be outdone by ordinary employees if they follow the knowledge-based method, and thus conceptualize an up and down approach. It involves organized training of employees who require a bit of input through knowledge-based computations for output performance on a larger scale with the result that top level of management can spend more time in training and planning, at the same time as employees efficiently perform their tasks. It is widely used in the age of industry in organizations involving mass production such as the automotive industry; for example, for mass production Henry Ford engines favored standardized procedures which can be taught to employees (Laegaard and Bindslev, 2006) .   Essentially, it does improve efficiency and productivity in a large number of diverse sectors of the organization, but ignoring aspects of human work having procedures similar to machine which produces optimum output as the main advantage. 


      In my opinion, the Henry Fayol’s theory has an easy routine to follow since this routine is also the first thing on management I studied in the junior high school once I was the leader of a student’s council. The ways of the routine are to plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control. Every management activity during my organization experience from junior high school student’s council to the current NGO leader used to plan every process in detail, organize all resources of organization during the event and or productive time, set up the chain of commands, and control how every single thing must act in accordance with the rules and agreement with all organization member. This routine makes our goal achieved very well, all things are very well organized, and almost all people happy.  


Krenn, J. (2017). Management Theory of Henry Fayol. Retrieved from

Laegaard, J., & Bindslev, M. (2006). Organizational Theory. Ventus Publishing ApS &

Mind Tools. (n.d). Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management. Retrieved from

Simonsen, J. (1994). Administrative Behavior How Organizations can be understood in terms of Decision Process. Retrieved from dfe7bd0fbaa2ef0ca2c8aa4562.pdf


Saturday, October 17, 2020

House Hunting

     When choosing a place to live, i look at several things, I need to consider price, size and type of housing. However, the most important thing of all is location. I look for a house in a convenient and pleasant neighborhood that has rents I can afford to pay. 

    My apartment must be conveniently located. I don't have a car. So, I want to be near my job. I want to be able to walk or take the bus to work. I don't have a lot of time for shopping. So, I want to be near stores too. 

    I want to live in a pleasant neighborhood. I don't like quite areas with little traffic, I love gathering with all neighbour I like to have nature around me. So, I prefer a neighborhood with a lot of trees, gardens and maybe even a park. Most of all, I want to have frendly neighbors. 

    Some neighborhoods are more expensive than others. I have to look for my apartment in neighborhoods that aren't too expensive. Some neigborhoods are very beautiful, but if the rents are too high, I can't afford to live there. If I only look in areas of the cities that have affordable rents, I won't be disappointed.