An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting: 2.1 The concepts of values, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of people

Thursday, November 26, 2020

2.1 The concepts of values, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of people

UNIT 2: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors

Values are behavioral standards or principles. It can also be formed as representative of belief that "certain modes of behavior are socially or privately preferred" based on intensity and content (Rokeach, 1973, p. 5, as cited in Robbins, 2001). Stated belief of an organization and business core values are needed to be a successful organization. Some Business core values are professional, client focused, integrity, result oriented etc, and related leader and subordinate attitudes important for settling the way they are feeling or thinking about how to hold the above company values during work are respecting each other, commitment to the job, enthusiasm, helpfulness, and innovative. 

In reality, employees' perspective on the perception of their job performance in the company is subjective to the good communication with the company leader and the clients. Perfectionism is sometimes based on the client happiness, which can be stimulated by good attitudes during the work presentation. In other cases of an educational organization or community, Objectivity is the key factor. For instance, Facilitator perception to a long successful study of a student who wants to compete in a national university entrance examination are their high tryout scores.

In these above cases, negative behavior of the leaders or facilitator and employees or students can resist the organizational purposes. Negative behavior of a worker giving his work presentation without a strong confidence will induce suspicioucity of the clients. Negative behavior of a client who never feels satisfied with the work and does not want to honor any hours the worker spent will decrease the productivity of the undergone projects. In the case of educational organization, negative behavior of a facilitator who always pushes the student to their limit without giving them time for rest and "me time" of them will decrease their performance in the exam, and negativity of the students who are always lazy in the study also decrease their chance to get admission in their dreamed universities.   

To promote positive work environment, leaders should be more empathy with the employees. Leader should interact as much as possible with them, find such activities which can induce hearth resonance. If they like soccer, leader should play with them without any status restrictions. Encouraging any kinds of good communal activities throughout the long journey of projects and studies will also improve everyone's moods. For instance, creativity of a leader who provides special food of the worker's country will make them really feel honored for their jobs. Creativity of a facilitator who gives a special book as a gift for a student whose tryout score is the highest of all other students improve productivity of the student to solve as many problems as possible.     



Soni, K. (2018, February 8). Values and attitudes in OB [Video]. Youtube.

McLeod, S. (2018). Attitudes and behaviors. Simply Psychology.

Robbins, S. P. (2001). Organizational behavior, 9th ed. Prentice-Hall.

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