An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting

Monday, September 6, 2021

Discussion forum unit 1 (Product/service, target market, competitors and propositional statements)


Around five years before the pension time of entrepreneurial activities of my father. He started up a newspaper company, namely Pilarindo News. He struggled with his close relatives and all colleagues of the villages to collect daily important news of our nations with simple tools of a CPU and printer, Started laying out the newspaper, distributed, spread it to the market one by one, people by people as well as by instituions  to sell the Pilarindo newspaper. It’s still in my dream to make it an online legal newspaper company with some millennial touching on the news production and sells to the public. 

This online newspaper and future TV show business should have a well-developed target market, segmenting the consumers who need the news (team, n.d). The segmented consumers can be mostly related with the topics of the online, and the language of news presentation. The topics may spread the serious news related to national and international religion, ideology, politics, economy, social and cultures, military and defense as well as daily happiness broadcasting, culinary choices, activities and information, sports, health, science and technology, industrial news, stock markets, etc. Based on the mentioned topics, the news is for mature consumers. Moreover, we also plan to build a content for kids with the topics they need and like. It can be a special rubric related to the innovative, smart and pleasant games making them intelligence. In general, educational contents can be further classified for all students in different levels. Starting from the playground, the elementary school, junior and senior high school with all tutorial of almost all subjects. It will be a good choice if we also try to spot a rubric for university students who want to contribute on writing the progress of the science and technology in their own expertise. In relation to the languages of our online media, The use of sunda language can be for Sundanese people of my tribes which mostly stay in west java province in Indonesia. The important point should be given in our national language using Bahasa Indonesia for whole Indonesian people segmentation and in international language using English and Arabic. As a matter of fact, in this target market statement, the news consumers should be unlimited in such a way that our competitors will be minimum.

To evaluate the competitors in a statement, the standards  consist of the list of the competitors, how they can solve costumer's problems, competitor’s rating based on price comparison between them and our company, based on leaderships of the product and based on how intimate customer is (Anonimous,2020). The current list of online news near to my operational work is, which is considered as more formal and legal media of the local government. In national scope, they are much bigger companies than what I am just started with an idea or improve the Pilarindo brand. They are Tribun News, Detik, Liputan 6,,, republika, sindonews, etc (Top, 2020). Related to solving problems, as far as we are concerned about our national news, is the most up to date online media giving really important and highly competitive news in seconds. About political news,, kompas, and republika always relatively present objective news. Some online platforms are considered in the hand of some politicians since they are the owner of the companies. Their political popularities also make their companies well rated. Therefore, the price is not only the key point of rating comparison since almost online news platforms give free access to all readers/customers. This price difference almost has the same behavior with the different number of subscribers or different number of statistics of online visitors reading the websites which are proportionally related with how many companies that want to pay for their product advertisements. The last one, product leaderships and customer intimacy can be greatly reflected by how much influenced the public issues are. As a start-up platform, my company’s best competitor for the moment can be and since we are in the same region and they are relatively close to the local government. In this way, we should create a better value proposition.

In general, a value proposition should be like a jargon telling the people why they should do business with us rather than the competitors and making our products and services beneficial and clear in the people’s mindset (Shewan, (n.d.)). In my case the statement becomes why people should subscribe to Pilarindo news and why companies all over the world or at least near to my office should advertise their products and services in our platform. In contrast to the available local platforms, Pilarindo can serve multilingual news so it can promote the local people, companies and government’s products and service not only in Indonesia but also In all Countries. Therefore, the choice of the propositional statement should be “Pilarindo : The Global Existing pillar of Indonesia, the best news provider, your best advertising partner” 





Team, I. editorial. (n.d.). Examples of target markets. Indeed Career Guide.

Anonimous. (2020, May 27). Competitive positioning. Marketing MO.

Top. (n.d.). Top 30 Indonesia newspapers online. AllYouCanRead.

Shewan, D. (n.d.). 7 of the best value Proposition examples we've ever seen. WordStream.





Friday, September 3, 2021

1.1 The Role Of Management accounting in relation to a company

In any kind of organizations or companies, management accounting support the stack holder's fully considered decision making after the professionals collect, process and communicate the information in the processes of planning, controlling and evaluating business strategies and processes of the company (Anonimous, (n.d.)).

In principles, every business organization must comply with four principles of managerial accounting. The principles are credibility, value, influence and relevance.  (Cogneesol, 2020). Based on the AICPA (American institute of public accountants) and CIMA (Chartered Institute Of Management Accountants) the practical application of the above four principles are significantly played by three primary aspects. The first aspect is the ability to find what is required by the business in the process to get the success in a long time. The second one is that relevancy of strategies and products that people use should be concerning with the practical use of the principles. The third one is that efficiency assessment of the operational management accounting and identification of the improvement scope influenced by competencies of all involved professionals in the office, performance of the platforms,  fundamentals or key areas of performances,                    

There are 13 specific management accounting activities available in the sources (Cogneesol, 2020). The activities include managing cost, external reporting, thinking of financial strategy, internal controlling, estimating investment cost, managing budgets, regulating the product price policies, administrating the project, complying with the regulations, managing the precious assets, thinking about the management of risk, planning the tax,  and forecasting the liquidity and cash . (Codjia, 2019) also mentioned some fundamentally essential management accounting activities. Some of them are budgeting, in house reporting of financial status of the company, analysis of all cost, and procedure, system and internal control monitoring.     







Anonimous. (n.d.). The Role of Management Accounting in the Organization. › expanded › exp_01 DOC.

Cogneesol. (2020, February 26). Four managerial accounting principles every business must comply with. Cogneesol Blog.

Codjia, M. (2019, February 11). The importance of budgetary control in management accounting. Bizfluent.