An STEM Consultant, International Business And Scholarships Consulting

Thursday, January 7, 2021

8.2 The analysis of the change resistance questionnaire results


Do you agree or disagree with these results? 

The first part of the questionnaire is routine seeking. It is routine incorporation in the life of someone (Theorizeit, n.d.). It is a component of behavior giving change resistance as a result of having tendency to accept routines (Oreg, 2003), (sjdm, n.d.). The results of the questionnaire gives me the score of 14. Of the available five questions in the routing seeking part, on average, my result is 14 / 5 = 2.8 which is near to 3. In the scale, the rules of agreement are based on the following criteria:

1.     Strongly disagree

2.     Disagree

3.     Inclined to disagree

4.     Inclined to agree

5.     Agree

6.     Strongly disagree           

Based on my quantitative analysis, the questionnaire result gives answer 3 meaning that I inclined to disagree with routing seeking which also means that it says I inclined to disagree on the fact that a tendency to accept routine resists someone to change. In reality, I actually strongly agree with the good routine activities and strongly disagree to change it. If there are other good routines, I agree to change. Therefore, I partially agree and disagree with the result of the questionnaire.

            The second part of the questionnaire is emotional reaction. It is a component of affection giving change resistance as a result of induced amount of uncomfortable and stressful feelings (Oreg, 2003), (sjdm, n.d.). Of the available four questions in the emotional reaction part, on average, my result is 20/4 which is exactly equal to 5. Based on this quantitative analysis and the above criteria, the questionnaire result gives answer 5 meaning that I agree with emotional reaction or agree with affective component giving change resistance as a result of induced uncomfortable and stressful feelings. In reality, everyone including me strongly agree stressful and uncomfortable things can resist everyone to change. This means I little bit disagree with the questionnaire results but tend to agree with the result in general.

        The third part of the questionnaire is the short term focus. It is a component of affection giving change resistance as a result of short time inconveniences distracting individuals (Oreg, 2003), (sjdm, n.d.). Of the available four questions in the short term focus part, on average, my result is 10/4 = 2.25 which is relatively near to 2. Based on this quantitative analysis and the above criteria, the questionnaire result gives answer 2 meaning I disagree with the issue that short inconvenience distracting individuals resist everyone to change. In reality, I also strongly disagree with the short term focus. This means I agree with the result of the questionnaire.

            The last part of the questionnaire is cognitive rigidity. It is a component of cognition giving change resistance based on how less frequently and how uneasily people change their minds (Oreg, 2003), (sjdm, n.d.). Of the available four questions in the short term focus part, on average, my result is 19/4 = 4.75 which is relatively near to 5. Based on this quantitative analysis and the above criteria, the questionnaire result gives answer 5 meaning I agree with the issue that changing minds is not easy and is not frequently done if there is lack of evidence. In reality, I strongly agree with the fact that some changes which need to be done require strong enough arguments and evidence. Therefore, I have a tendency to agree with the questionnaire result.             


What areas seem accurate, which do not?

Based on the analysis of accuracy the agreement and disagreement paragraphs, the routine seeking result is partially accurate since I am partially agree and partially disagree with the result, the emotional reaction result tends to be accurate since I have tendency to agree with the result, the short term focus is mostly accurate since I agree with the result, and the cognitive rigidity tends to be accurate since I have a tendency to agree with the questionnaire result.          


Give an example of a change situation in which you were recently involved. Did you resist? Why or why not? What was the ultimate outcome?  

The most currently difficult situation of mine is the possibility for me to get a visa to continue my PhD in the Geophysics – the College of petroleum and geoscience (CPG) at KFUPM. I don’t want to stop my hope to get this visa. This means I resist the change from having a hope to becoming hopeless because of this covid 19 outbreak and my own health condition. I do resist stopping my hope because of the fact that my status has been changed from conditional to be regular one since I already fulfilled all requirements. In relation to the theories of the questionnaire, routine activities of learning and teaching in PhD studies will totally un-resist me to change my hope. In fact, I become more comfort with this routine activities since I love studying and teaching.  My emotional reaction concerning uncomfortable and stressful life of a graduate student in taking courses which have a lot of assignments and exams will not resist my hope since the assignments and exams are really good to improve my skills and knowledge. In addition, the short term focus as a result of a short inconvenience of this covid outbreak hopefully will not stay for a long time due to the willingness of Saudi government to win the struggle with this global problem. The last analytical theory of the cognitive rigidity is related to the existence of newly developed and established vaccines as a good evidence to resist stopping my hope on getting the visa. Ultimately, I hope that resisting to stop getting the visa will return me back to the KFUPM campus soon after I left it in 2018 and I can get a chance to study in the PhD program to improve my skills, knowledge, and incomes to bring my mother for hajj, to get married and having a happy family and sons, to rebuild my mother store and my future house, to buy a good and beneficial transportation media, to help poor people, to give scholarships, to be a good and helpful leader and bureaucrat in the future, and finally to get good life in the hereafter.        



Theorizeit. (n.d.). Variable Details: Routine seeking. Retrieved January 07, 2021, from

Oreg, S. (2003). Resistance to change: Developing an individual differences measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(4), 680-693. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.4.680

Sjdm. (n.d.). Resistance to Change (RTC). Retrieved January 07, 2021, from


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

8.1 Effective change management

UNIT 8: Organizational Culture and Change

The culture of an organization contributes to different ways of leading change because the culture helps focusing on the humanity perspective of everything. Current culture can be departed to start working with the good things of it and what is needed to be changed can be. Working in line with the culture is better than ignoring it or making implication that today’s culture is wrong at all while launching the program of predesign change management (Bremer, 2020).

The effective change management gives environment of measurable, consistent, and structured change is a key component for the success of daily business of an organization and to be used across it (Cartegra, 2016).

My educational organization is currently changing the conventional and traditional online education communication using Whatsapp to be a good e-learning platform using Youtube and Blogspot or Wordpress prior to the use of privately owned and built website with own codification and databases in the future. Covid outbreak has a good impact on doing online and working from home to revolutionize education based on technology. In a non-profit educational organization, our reaction is totally confused with how to get and build a good and professional e-learning platform for non-profit educational purposes. We are really reacted with a very high spirit in this changing and evolving culture. As a leader of change and philanthropist of low economic students who want to pursue their dreams to continue studies in university, I have to build good networking and need to have a strong foundation who can collaborate and raise funds to start the educational activities soon for free and to hopefully get the next income for all people in our community by getting more funded advertising in our videos, writing, and published book platform in the future.

Bremer, M. (2020, April 10). How can Organizational Culture make a difference in Leading Change? Retrieved January 05, 2021, from
Carrtegra. (2016, October 18). Effective Change Management - Change Definition - Houston, The Woodlands, Sugar Land. Retrieved January 06, 2021, from

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

7. 2 Improving Ethical Behavior to Prevent Corruption as Leadership Power Abuse

Author : H. Lutfi Mulyadi, M.Sc 

Source :

National television broadcasted criminal news on September 12, 2002 with the case of Mark H. Swartz (The former chief financial officer (CFO)) and L. Dennis Kozlowski (The former Chief executive officer (CEO)) who misappropriated more than $170 from the Tyco International. They got accusation of stealing more than $430 million through criminal deception of the Tyco stock sales and the hide of the real information to the shareholder. More than thirty numbers of crimes charged to both of them are the corruption of enterprise, grand robbery, and business record falsification. Mark A. Belnick, the company’s general counsel, easily concealed personal loan of $14 million. This scandal is one of the worst early 2000s criminal cases because of the fact that long after the initial arrest, the case is still being filed with serious lawsuit and charges (Boostrom at all, 2011).

This case is a real corruption as a result of leadership power abuse and unethical behavior of the company’s stakeholder.  The historical reason for this corruption case started from the rise of Kozlowki’s power. As time goes on making him the highest paid CEO in the second place, the company's economically disastrous condition was imminent. His power abuse are based on the fact that corporate structure decentralization even makes the boards of directors difficult to monitor the finance and dealings of the company in more effective ways. Moreover, Kozlowki’s unethical behavior was clearly indicated by his business aggression, luxurious way and style of life, violent confrontation with the more previously prudential CEO, and his policy to kick out critical employees who do not agree with the company’s activities.       

Thinking about the above ethical violation in the Tyco international company, Leaders are to held at a very high moral standard because of the importance and benefits for them and the people around them. Those benefits are Non-negative habits for making good feeling of the people in such a way that they feel under direction of a non-corrupt leader inspiring their performance to the highest level of standard, very good image and charisma for being a leading figure whose words and daily activities are used as a role model, preventing scandals by prevention of criminal and unmoral finance and dealings which damage the image of the organization and switch the costumer to other competitors in business cases, making loyal both the costumers and the employees to the company, and improving good emotion and feeling of all people due to the fact that highly ethical leaders are antitoxins for healthy personal and organizational relation (Kuligowski, 2020).                

In the case of any ethical violation, we are to put the changes to address the best ethical conduct resolving the ethical issues. For accounting corruption case, the steps to resolve are setting strongly standardized and legitimate laws and policies of anti-corruption with governmental standard, encouraging internal report within the board of directors and shareholder, external report to all customers, getting external monitoring from related governmental institution and independent corruption watch (ICW) organization, and transparent in all kinds of activities (Hatter, 2017). In the case of non - transparent works of the Tyco stakeholders, to rebuild the trust of all investors, the highest authority replaced the criminal stakeholders and 90 % of the previous staffs in the headquarters. Tyco International also wrote special guide and the best ethical conduct having the length of 32 pages available in very diverse languages for all employees with different countries and cultures (Boostrom at all, 2011).       


Boostrom, R., Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, O., & Ferrel, L. (2011). Tyco International : Leadership Crisis. Retrieved December 31, 2020, from

Kuligowski, K. (2020, October 13). 7 Things You Should Do to Be an Ethical Leader. Retrieved December 31, 2020, from

Hatter, K. (2017, November 21). How to Prevent Accounting Corruption. Retrieved December 31, 2020, from


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

7.1 Leaderships

UNIT 7: Leadership, Power, and Ethical Behavior

Author : H. Lutfi Mulyadi, M.Sc

Traits are personal possession of attributes, including values, character, needs, motives, temperament, abilities and personality (Holsinger, n.d). Traits of leaderships important for the success of an organization are (positively and confidently) (empowering and inspiring) people, staying in control to manage better feelings of his own and the people, becoming a transformational leader on giving his people motivation to deliver the creation of a fascinating vision, leading as a role model with integrity and by self-implementing what he talks, and helping the people shine by doing assessment to carry out the training to improve their skills for a successful team (Mindtools, 2017).

Skills of leaderships are knowledge and competencies helping the leaders reach the objectives. Those are conceptual, human or interpersonal and technical skills. Leaders also must aware of cognitive styles dealing with personal perception, processing, interpretation, and use of information in leadership practice (Holsinger, n.d).

To represent the thinking styles, the following Herman’s whole brain thinking model might apply. 

Non effective leaders use only one quadrant of the thinking model, while the effective ones tend to collaboratively use the whole quadrant simultaneously in their practical leadership life. Last but not least, autocratic and democratic behavior have been used to describe the leadership behavioral studies (Holsinger,n.d). For the purpose of organizational success or achieved goals/objectives, effective leaders may choose which behavior suitable for application based on the situation.        

Based on the situation, leaderships can be considered as an art to choose which traits, skills, styles and behavior suitable for action. The study of (Leadership, 2016) also stated that it is the art of involving people to achieve the target. Target and people oriented are the character of a great leader. Different from the great one, good leaders only focus on their people or the target.       

            In my country, one of the most admired leaders is Prof. Dr. Ing. Bj. Habibie, the third Indonesian president who is also the first Indonesian aerospace professor to solve the crack propagation problem in an aero plane and to develop Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics and Construction respectively known as Habibie method, factor and theorem (Wikipedia 2020). His strongly attractive leadership role models are his trait of empowering and inspiring young Indonesian scientist and engineer to be a great leader, his interpersonal skill of building national and international networking, his technical skill of thinking everything with an engineer’s way of analyzing what is the problem and what is the solution such as modelling how to stabilize the bad economic situation by finding the solution of the bad IDR exchange rate with other currency using the damped oscillating spring model, his firstly established Indonesian conceptual skill of applying regional autonomy of power and spread resources with the regulation of the central government, his style of collaboratively using all cognitive styles as a country and wife (Ainun) ’s loyal problem solver and lover, and his democratic behavior (Wikipedia, 2020) as the first Indonesian president to liberalize and democratize political party laws and to democratically held the election 3 years before scheduled. Those events resulted in the end of his presidency. His less than a year presidency strongly influences democratic Indonesian life.  He really deserves to be the father of Indonesian Democracy as well as the father of Indonesian and the world aerospace technology.           

            In this global pandemic situation with development of healing technology, all country’s people in the world, including the one of Indonesia should be positive and have tried to be a leader rather than a boss. Compared to a boss (Group, n.d), a leader would prefer to learn rather than know everything, to listen rather than talk more, to find the best solutions rather than give answers, to encourage rather than criticize, to recognize gifts simultaneously rather than find everyone’s weakness, to express vulnerability rather than defend an ego, to focus on the social rather than the personal life, to be responsible rather than blame others, to inspire performance rather than require the results. By thinking as a positive leader rather than a boss, we hope everyone can contribute to the end of this outbreak.       



Holsinger, J. (n.d.). TRAITS, SKILLS, AND STYLES OF LEADERSHIP. Retrieved December 29, 2020, from

Mindtools Videos. (2017, April 18). 5 traits of successful leaders [Video]. YouTube. 

Leadership, C. (2016, August 20). Great Leadership is an Art. Retrieved December 30, 2020, from

Wikipedia, H. (2020, December 27). B. J. Habibie. Retrieved December 30, 2020, from

Group, V. (n.d.). Blog - The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader. Retrieved December 30, 2020, from





Wednesday, December 23, 2020

6.2 Myths and Realities of Teamwork

Figure :  Myths about teamwork
source : 

The first myth of teams said that teams are in harmony progressing group of people compromising all of their needs for team purposes. In reality, professionally qualified teams are a group of people having different backgrounds and certain needs that must be met (Wright, n.d.). Not harmonious team as a result of differently confronting ideas and background can convert to be real strength with good leaderships and guidance. Otherwise, conflicting issues will always show up.

The second myth of teams described that the team conflict is unhealthy. In psychological term, this unhealthy conflict is dysfunctional if the outcomes do not make the teams productive. Otherwise, the team conflicts are really healthy or functional. Therefore, rather than suppressed, functional conflicts should be rendered useful (Wright, n.d.).   

The third myth of teams stated that most people love teamwork. In reality, research showed that people have different opinion about the best way to work. One third of them prefer solo work, one third are unconcerned, and one third love the teamwork (Wright, n.d.). In my own observation and understanding of psychological extrovert and introvert people. The ones who mostly like the team work are the extrovert people. While the ones who mostly don’t like the team work are the introvert ones. In the Maslow theory of needs, getting involved in a teamwork is actually related to the needs they must satisfy. Even an introvert people, they will struggle and finally like to team work if their needs are fully satisfied in the team (Maslow, 1958).

The fourth myth of teams stated that the success of a business essentially depends on the team work. In reality, it’s the fact that simple organization can perform without a team having large group of people. However, complexity is one of the factors to thrive the team. (Wright, n.d.). If the team has a branch in every region so that a branch manager can handle the rules of the main team, then this team is complex enough to share the influence throughout the country and the good message or team purpose can be shared easily.            

  The fifth myth of teams stated that it’s easy to influence and manage people in a team. In reality, leaders having high level of awareness and advanced ideas on how to give motivation to the team are really required (Wright, n.d.). In my experience on leading a team for voting organizers consisting of mature enough and experienced persons, their own ideas on how to overcome a problem always confronts my own ideas not based on their experiences. As a new leader of the group, my manual hand book on the event protocol can’t work against their well proven experienced ideas. As a good leader, giving up on my interest throughout their ideas are a good way to solve this team conflict.

The last myth of teamwork stated that teamwork is really encouraged by all senior managers. In reality, most people in upper level of management are afraid of team movement and activities. The manager act to keep the power and prevent the tendency to lose the control and power. In a presidential team, this issue can show up if a president has two strong teams to balance his power. The president needs to keep good communication to both of them. He also needs to keep good harmony between the team. A good example is socialist and military teams under presidency of a country can keep the power of the president balanced for a longer time. If the socialists or militaries have higher influence, they can coup the government with the result that the president will no longer have power. The other possible conflicts that may happen is that the socialists having huge and massive people power confronting the militaries having weapon and fighting machines may provoke a revolution bleeding and costing lives which is very detrimental to all parties.


   Wrigth, D. (n.d.). Myths and realities of teamworks. Retrieved December 24, 2020, from               

   Maslow, A. H. (1958). A Dynamic Theory of Human Motivation. In C. L. Stacey & M.               DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding Human Motivation (p. 26–47), 26-47.                   doi:10.1037/11305-004